Monday, July 9, 2012


Делегатите на 95тата Меѓународна конвенција на Меѓународната асоцијација на Lions клубовите одлучуваа за новото раководство на асоцијацијата за фискалната година 2012/2013.

За претседател на Меѓународната асоцијација за фискалната година 2012/2013 беше избран Вејн А. МЕДЕН од Обурн, Индијана, САД.
President Madden is an insurance agent and a certified insurance counselor. 
A member of the Auburn Lions Club since 1984, President Madden has held many offices within the association, including club president, zone chairperson, region chairperson, state council chairperson and district governor. In addition, he is a past president of the Indiana Lions Foundation. He served as a District Governor-elect Seminar faculty member five times and as Campaign SightFirst II sector coordinator for Multiple District 25. 
In recognition of his service to the association, President Madden has received many awards, including the 100% Club President Award, Life Membership in the Association, the Senior Master Key Award, four Extension Awards, an International President’s Leadership Medal, nine International President’s Medals and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He is a Charter W.P. Woods Fellow, a Kentucky Colonel, a Duke of Paducah, a Helen Keller Fellow and a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. 
In 2008, he was recognized for his humanitarian service by the governor of Indiana as a Sagamore of the Wabash, the highest honor the governor can bestow. 
In addition to his Lion activities, President Madden has been active in numerous professional and community organizations.
President Madden and his wife, Linda, also a Lion and Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, have two daughters and five grandchildren.

Претходниот претседател д-р Винг-Кун ТАМ од Хонг Конг, Кина во текот на оваа фискална година ќе ја врши функцијата Претседавач на одборот на Меѓународната фондација на асоцијацијата на Lions клубовите (LCIF).
Past President Tam is the chairperson of a multi-national group of companies specializing in aviation and travel business. 
A member of the Mt. Cameron Lions Club since 1981, he has held many offices in the association, including Campaign SightFirst multinational coordinator and OSEAL recording secretary, SightFirst China Action executive chairperson, 2005 International Convention Bidding Committee executive chairperson and honorary Host Committee chairperson. He has served on the international board for 11 years and three years on the executive committee. 
Past President Tam has been a member or chairperson of many government and community service boards and committees of the Hong Kong SAR Government. He served as Hong Kong District Affairs Advisor before the establishment of the SAR in 1997. He has been the Hong Kong Convention Ambassador since 1995. 
He is the recipient of Her Majesty the Queen’s Badge of Honor, the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire and the Bronze Bauhinia Star from the British and Hong Kong SAR governments. He is a Justice of the Peace in Hong Kong and the appointed Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kenya in the Hong Kong SAR and Macau SAR of The People’s Republic of China. 
In recognition of his service to Lions Clubs International, Past President Tam has received numerous awards, including the Campaign SightFirst National/Multi-National Coordinator Award, the International Lion of the Year Award (2003) and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association gives to its members. He is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow and Campaign SightFirst Lead Gift Donor. 
Past President Tam and his late wife, Irene, have three children – Alvin, Tiffany and Andrew.


За прв потпретседател за фискалната година 2012/2013 беше избран Бери Џ. ПАЛМЕР од Бероура, Нов Јужен Велс, Австралија.
Vice President Palmer was a real estate company director.
A member of the Hornsby Lions Club since 1976, Palmer has held many offices within the association, including club president, zone chairperson, cabinet secretary, cabinet treasurer and district governor. He has served on numerous committees and as the Host Committee Chairperson for the 2010 Lions Clubs International Convention in Sydney, Australia.
In recognition of his service to the association, Palmer has received many awards, including the 100% Club President Award, the 100% District Governor Award,  six International President’s Medals and the Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor the association bestows upon its members. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow.
In addition to his Lion activities, Palmer is a recipient of the Australian Medal issued by the Australian Government, the Australian Childhood Cancer Research Award and the Spastic Centre of NSW Award. He was a Pioneer Volunteer at the Sydney Olympics and a member of the New South Wales Paralympic Committee.
Vice President Palmer and his wife Anne, also a Lion and a Melvin Jones Fellow, have three children and eight grandchildren.

За втор потпоретседател на асоцијацијата делегатите на конвенцијата го избраа Џозеф (Џое) ПРЕСТОН од Бредшо, Аризона, САД.
Vice President Preston is a fleet sales manager.
A member of the Bradshaw Mountain Lions Club, Preston has been a Lion since 1974. He has held many offices in the association, including club president, zone chairperson, district governor and council chairperson. In addition, he has served as leadership, Lions Quest and MERL chairperson for his multiple district. He was host chairperson of the 1994 International Convention in Phoenix, Arizona; chairperson of the 2003 USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Portland, Oregon; and a national multinational coordinator for Campaign Sight First II, where he exceeded his goals. 
In recognition of his service to the association, Preston has received numerous awards, including the 100% Club President Award, the 100% District Governor Award, a Medal of Merit, six International President's Awards and an Ambassador of Good Will Award, the highest honor granted by the association to its members. He is also a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow. 
In addition to his Lion activities, Preston is a past president of United Way of Yavapai County and a former board member of the Lions Foundation of Arizona. Vice President Preston and his wife, Joni, also a Lion and Melvin Jones Fellow, have two sons, one daughter and five grandsons.

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